Phone: ext. 61332


Degrees and Certifications:

Associates of Arts Degree from Pasco-Hernando Community College Bachelors Degree in Special Education from University of South Florida Masters Degree in Educational Leadership from University of West Florida

Mrs. Grace "Sissy" Ashley

Hi!  I'm SO thrilled to be teamed up with the best of the best, Mr. Ashley!  I teach fourth and fifth grade ELA and Social Studies, and he teaches the math and science. We enjoy working together, and we strive to get the very best from EVERY SINGLE ONE of our students!!

I started out teaching ESE at Wildwood Middle School in 1994.  I went on an 8 year hiatus to be a stay-at-home mom, then returned to teaching for the 2006-2007 school year at LPES, where my children went to school.  I taught kindergarten, first, third, fourth and fifth, then was offered the opportunity to be the assistant principal. I LOVED being the assistant principal, but after three years, I had to choose to continue in administration at another school, or return to the classroom.  I couldn't stand the thought of leaving not only the best school in the county, but also leaving the chance to work with my husband, so I decided to return to the classroom.  The best part about being your assistant principal was getting to work with everyone!!  I have always thought of LPES as my family, which means I now have over 500 kids!  The students at LPES are awesome, and I enjoyed getting to know everyone and their families.  I've built some great relationships with so many of you while I was in administration, so feel free to say hi anytime! 😊

I love to read, and I love to watch LPES students read.  Nothing is better than a good book to get your emotions flowing and your brain thinking.  The first book that ever made me cry was Rick of High Ridge, a book my dad brought at a yard sale.  I encourage all families to go on a journey together by reading a book.  Simply sharing the love of literature can be the most bonding experience a family can have.  I look forward to witnessing my fourth and fifth grade students become bookworms!  It's always a great feeling when the class groans when reading time is over.

I am also the mother of three AWESOME kids, two UF Gators and a UCF Knight!  I'm proud to say that all three have graduated and are already working "in the real world".  Sad to say that this means my older children no longer live with us, but are all over, in Arizona, Colorado and Orlando!  Mr. Ashley and I have adjusted to the empty nesting lifestyle. We love to take adventures, whether it involves traveling across country or going on a walk in the woods looking for a Geocache!  Enjoy your kids, and make the most of the time you spend together!😊❤️