• Welcome to the WWES Music Page! 
    Meet our music teacher Mrs. Long !  

    This is my eighth year sharing my love of music with the students at Wildwood Elementary School. I am a Citrus County native and I grew up loving my music classes, starting as early as Kindergarten in elementary school.  My music talent comes from many years of singing in church when I was a child and teen in choirs. I was trained in music theory and piano when I was young, continued up through my high school years, and it was my talent at the Miss Teen Citrus County Pageant for two years. I played the recorder in third grade, oboe and clarinet starting in fourth grade, and continued on to become drum major of Citrus High School when I was a Junior. I also played the keyboard as a member of Citrus High School's music group "Breeze", which is still traveling and performing today. 

    I have been with the Sumter County School District's, North Sumter Primary, and Wildwood Elementary School for 22 years as previously a Third grade teacher and, more recently, a First grade teacher. This is my second year back in music and having fun with the students every day while we learn. If you have any questions about music, you can always reach out to me via email at Karen.Long@sumter.k12.fl.us or (352)748-3353 ext. 62342




Image of silhouette musicians
  • Mrs. Long