Guidance & School Counseling
Welcome to the School Counseling Program at Wildwood Elementary SchoolHelpful Guide for seeking Information: If you need to…
*Request Records (This includes 504 Plans, IEPS, ESOL Information, etc.):
Fax request to Office Staff at 352-748-4788 352-74
*Inquire about State Testing:
Call Ms. Lipham at 352-748-3353
*Inquire about Homeless Status and ESOL:
Call Ms. Alexander at 352-748-3353, extension 62232
*Inquire about a 504 Plan/Evaluation:
Call Ms. Alexander at 352-748-3353, extension 62232
*Inquire about the MTSS process (support for academic and/or behavior success/possible evaluation for ESE services):
Call Mr. Mannino at 352-748-3353, extension 62238
*Inquire about an IEP (student has current IEP and has gone through the evaluation process):
Call Ms. Plisco at 352-748-3353, extension 62239
*Other Student Concerns based on Grade Level:
Grades PK-3: Call Ms. Alexander at 352-748-3353, extension 62232
*Mental Health Counseling:
Dr. Malika Dandridge