Students in grades K - 5 will attend general music throughout the school year. Music is life for everyone; the basic philosophy in our general music program is to develop music performance skills. During our class, students are actively engaged in a variety of activities designed to help them develops skills with musical instruments, performances, singing voices, tonal and rhythmic abilities, listening skills, overall music theory and the integration of math, science and ELA into music. All instruction and assessments are directly correlated with participation in the Florida State Standards and the goals of our district.
Music participation reinforces team work, communication skills, and self-discipline. These skills will help you to be successful in school and in all aspects of your life.
“Some people think music education is a privilege, but I think it’s essential to being human.” Jewel(Please copy and paste this email addressed to send an email)Carlos.Roman-Cerezo@sumter.k12.fl.usResumes when social distancing restrictions end
Sing or play melodic patterns by ear with support from the teacher.Sing part songs in an appropriate range, using proper vocal technique and maintaining pitch.Identify, aurally, selected instruments of the band and orchestra.Read with accuracy to support comprehension.- Read on text level- Read expressions on successive readings.