

    Promotion Criteria for 3rd Grade Students


     Alpha grades and numerical grades will be used for the basic subject areas of English Language Arts, math, science and social studies. E, S, N and U grades will be used for physical education and music. 

    PROMOTION (Grades 3-5) The following shall be considered by the instructional staff before a student is promoted:

    Made satisfactory progress in English Language Arts for student’s grade level assignment as identified in the state’s public K-12 curricular standards.

    Made satisfactory progress in mathematics for a student’s grade level assignment as identified in the state’s public K-12 curricular standards.

    Made satisfactory progress in science for student’s grade level assignment as identified in the state’s public K-12 curricular standards.

    Made satisfactory progress in social studies for student’s grade level assignment as defined in the state’s public K-12 curricular standards.

     Made satisfactory progress based on school, district, and state assessments.

     Made satisfactory progress in classroom and homework.