Welcome to the South Sumter High School Tabletop Club!
The Tabletop Club is an exciting place for all students interested in games played on a "tabletop"- This includes games like Dungeons & Dragons, Pathfinder, Chess, Board Games like Monopoly, Uno, and more! We welcome all students regardless of tabletop game experience- This is a club where we can learn and have fun! If you're looking to makefriends and learn & play games, this is the club for you.
Club Information: We meet once per week, typically from 4:15 PM- 6:15 PM. The date we meet will be selected in the first few weeks by club members. In past years, we have met on Mondays.
How to Join:
- Ask for permission from parents/guardians
- Get after-school activity insurance ($10)
- Request Team Access Here: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/team/19%3aafqLILJLf033XWb0Mf7QoODBT-ljdhtfqK-WBR1l17M1%40thread.tacv2/conversations?groupId=4aa90a8e-aadb-4c3b-b907-84efd9b2a806&tenantId=569392da-6209-4a7e-aeb2-827970eaec60
- Ensure you will have a ride home from practice (Parent/guardian, ask permission for a friend to bring you home, etc.)
- Attend practice!
Questions: Please refer questions to Mrs. Fanelli at Emily.Fanelli@sumter.k12.fl.us, or the Questions Channel in Teams.