• South Sumter Middle School

    Library Media Center

    773 NW 10th Avenue

    Webster FL 33597

    Kim Tyson

    Library Media Specialist



    Welcome to South Sumter Middle School’s Library Media Center.  The vision of our Library Media Center is to instill the love of reading and promote lifelong learning while fostering information literacy by having the ability to locate, evaluate, organize and use this information in a variety of formats.


    Our Library Media Center has almost nineteen thousand books for our students and staff to check out.  We also have a computer lab with twenty-three computers for students and classes to use.


    Students have an orientation at the beginning of the school year for our Library Media Center policies and procedures.  Students may check out three books at a time and get to keep them for two weeks. If they are not finished with the book, they can recheck the book for an additional two weeks. Any books that are overdue, have a five-cent late fee for each school day they are late.

    Any student that owes another school in our school district books may bring the books into me and I can return the books to that school. If students do not have the books, they can bring in the money for the cost of the books or make payments to me until the books are paid in full and I will send the money to that school so the student can be cleared.


    South Sumter Middle School participates in the Accelerated Reader Program. If you would like to check book information you may look the book title up here: AR BookFind If you would like to check on your students AR progress of books they have tested on you can find that information here: RenaissanceHomeConnect. If you would like to see if our library media center has a book for checkout click on our card catalog here: Destiny


    The Media Center is open every morning at 8:00 and closes every day at 4:01, so students can come during the school day with a hall pass.


    SSMS Media Page

    AR Book Find - https://www.arbookfind.com/

    Renaissance Home Connect - https://global-zone52.renaissance-go.com/welcomeportal/67995

    Destiny - https://sumter.follettdestiny.com/common/servlet/logout.do?tm=