5:00 PM - 5:30 PM School Related Employee of the Year Reception
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM Board Meeting (Bushnell)
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM MID TERM ENDS
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM Sumter’s Future Entrepreneurs Competition and Sumter Invention Convention
Sumter County Schools Non-Discrimination Statement
This will take you directly to the page to fill out the new student enrollment paperwork.
To participate in activities in the classroom or on field trips during the school year, please apply for approval as a volunteer. Due to COVID, we have limited volunteers on campus at this time. You can still submit your application now! Please contact the school to see current guidelines.
See Something suspicious? Say something! Submit a tip online and immediately relay information to appropriate law enforcement and school officials.
Welcome to Webster Elementary, a Title I School-wide School! We are a "B" school as designated by the Florida Department of Education. Webster Elementary invites parents to participate with the development, implementation, and evaluation of the Title 1 Program, the Title 1 School-wide Plan, the development of the school's Parent Involvement Plan, and how the parent involvement funds are used. **You have the right to request information regarding the qualifications of your child’s teachers and paraprofessionals.** Please contact Deanna Strickland at 352-793-2828 with any questions or concerns. https://www.parent-institute-online.com/download3.php?567832-PMD1-X300929
Webster Elementary AVID Mission Statement: to close the achievement gap by preparing all students for college readiness and success in a global society.
Family First Coronavirus Response Act
English & Spanish
Title IX, Sexual Harassment
Board Policy 2266
Sexual harassment must be reported immediately to Helen Christian, Title IX Coordinator, or Dana Williams, Senior Director of Human Resources. Reporting can be completed in person, by phone, e-mail or mail.
(352) 793-2315
2680 West CR 476
Bushnell, Florida 33513
Title IX Training
Staff Training
Administrative Title IX Overview
Title IX Team Training
Board Policy 1122
Board Policy 1122.01
Board Policy 1122.02
Board Policy 2260
Board Policy 3122
Board Policy 3122.02
Board Policy 4122
Board Policy 4122.02
Child Abuse: Look for the Signs
Board Policy 8462
Bullying, Threats and Intimidation
Board Policy 5500
Board Policy 1380
Board Policy 3380
Board Policy 4380
Reporting Professional Misconduct
Board Policy 8141
Drug-Free Workplace
Board Policy 1124
Board Policy 3124
Board Policy 4124
Controlled Open Enrollment
Board Policy 5121
Florida Economic Security Report
Section 1002.20(24) Florida Statutes
Library-Media Objections
Specific Material Objection Template
Limiting Media Access Form
"Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail regarding official business to the District or any of its employees. Instead, contact the District or individual employee by phone or in writing."
A Title I Schoolwide School
349 S. Market Blvd
Webster, FL 33597
352-793-2828 x 64200
Sumter County School District is committed to ensuring that its website is accessible to people with disabilities. If you use assistive technology and are experiencing difficulty accessing information on this site, please contact the webmaster@sumter.k12.fl.us to gain access to inaccessible content or functionality of online content. To file a formal grievance under Section 504 and Title II with the District please contact the District Office at 352-793-2315.